Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC - The Foundation of Success: Investing in Yourself Before Anything Else

The Foundation of Success: Investing in Yourself Before Anything Else

Discover the pivotal importance of investing in yourself before diving into business, investments, or helping others. Uncover how self-awareness, mindset, skill development, and well-being lay the groundwork for holistic success. Prioritize personal growth to become a resilient entrepreneur, adept investor, and impactful mentor.

The Foundation of Success: Investing in Yourself Before Anything Else Read More »

Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC - Diversifying Your Revenue Streams: A Guide to Creating Multiple Sources of Income

Diversifying Your Revenue Streams: A Guide to Creating Multiple Sources of Income

Discover the ultimate guide to creating multiple sources of income! Learn how to leverage your skills, passions, and investments to build a resilient financial future. Explore freelancing, side businesses, investments, and more for a diverse portfolio of income streams.

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Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC - Unveiling the Wealth Secrets: What the Top 1% Do Differently When It Comes to Money

Unveiling the Wealth Secrets: What the Top 1% Do Differently When It Comes to Money

Unlocking Wealth Secrets: Discover how the top 1% approach money differently. Learn their strategies for success in goal-setting, risk-taking, multiple income streams, and more. Start your journey toward financial excellence.

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What is the difference between good debt and bad debt? Debt is debt right? - Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC

What is the difference between good debt and bad debt? Debt is debt right?

There is a big difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt is investments that will grow in value over time, such as real estate or a business venture. Bad debt, on the other hand, is money that you borrow that will never increase in value, such as credit card debt or a payday loan.

What is the difference between good debt and bad debt? Debt is debt right? Read More »

How to set financial goals and achieve them? - Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC

How to set financial goals and achieve them?

When it comes to our finances, most of us have no idea where to start. We know we need to save for retirement and emergencies, but how much should we save? And where should that money go first? These are all important questions, but they can be daunting to answer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation, don’t worry – you’re not alone

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How to start saving for retirement if you are in a tough spot - Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC

How to start saving for retirement if you are in a tough spot

Are you one of the millions of people who are struggling financially? You’re not alone. It can be tough to make ends meet, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your retirement savings. In fact, if you’re in a difficult financial situation, it’s even more important to start saving for retirement now. Here are three reasons why:

1) Your retirement fund can act as a cushion against unexpected expenses.
2) You’ll have more time to build your fund up if you start early.
3) Retirement savings can help you stay out of debt in retirement.

How to start saving for retirement if you are in a tough spot Read More »