How to find the time to learn a new skill

We all want to learn new things, but finding the time can be a challenge. Here are some tips for how to fit learning into your busy schedule.

How to find the time to learn a new skill - Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC

1. Make use of your travel time

If you have a long commute, use that time to listen to podcasts or watch videos about the subject you want to learn. If you are lucky and you are not driving, you can even read books on your way to work or to the shop. Take advantage of application like Kindle or google play books to store eBooks on your phone; this way you can bring your library where every you go.

2. Schedule some learning time into your day

Just like you would block out time for meetings or appointments, put learning into your calendar. Whether it’s 30 minutes in the morning or an hour before bed, find a time that works for you and stick to it. Take advantage of your lunch and breaks at work. You can easily make 1h fit in there without having to worry about your kids or chores that are waiting for you.

3. Read before you sleep

If you have trouble winding down at night, try reading something related to what you want to learn instead of scrolling through social media. It can help make learning a part of your daily routine instead of something that feels like an extra chore.

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4. Take advantage of free resources

There are tons of free online courses, tutorials, and articles that can help you learn anything you want. Do some research and find a few that fit your interests and learning style. Youtube is the free resource by excellence where you can learn anything and everything, and this article is all about free online degrees that you can explore. Click this link


With a little effort, you can easily find time to fit learning into your schedule. By taking advantage of your travel time, setting aside some dedicated learning time each day, and utilizing free resources, you’ll be well on your way to mastering a new skill in no time.

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