What is the Board of Directors?
The board of directors is elected by the shareholders at the Annual General meeting hold each year to oversee the cooperative’s operations and make decisions on its behalf. The board of directors is responsible for setting the cooperative financial institution’s (CFI’s) strategic direction, approving its budget, and ensuring that it is meeting its member’s needs.
How does a cooperative board of director differ from a company board of director?
The board of directors of a cooperative is typically elected by the cooperative’s membership, while the board of directors of a company is typically appointed by the company’s shareholders.
What is the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors?
The board of a cooperative is responsible for setting the cooperative’s strategic direction, approving its budget, and ensuring that it is meeting its member’s needs. The board of directors is also responsible for electing the cooperative’s officers, who are responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the cooperative.
Who is holding the board of directors accountable?
The board of directors is accountable to the shareholders of the CFI. The board of directors must ensure that the cooperative is operating in a manner that is consistent with the cooperative financial institution’s mission and values, and that it is meeting the needs of its members. The board of directors may be removed from office by a vote of the membership.
In conclusion, the board of directors of a cooperative is responsible for setting the cooperative’s strategic direction, approving its budget, and ensuring that it is meeting its member’s needs. The board of directors is accountable to the cooperative’s membership, and may be removed from office by a vote of the membership.
Hi guys, I’m happy with how the website look as whole and the fact that we can see the directors on the pictures.
Thank you, we find it important that you know who you are dealing with on a daily bassist.