Why saving or getting loans from a Cooperative Financial Institution (CFI) is advantageous?

There are many benefits to saving and taking out loans from cooperative financial institutions like Isikhungo Sabantu FSC. Firstly, they offer very competitive interest rates on savings, meaning that your money will grow at a faster rate than if it were kept in a standard bank account. Second, they provide low-interest loans to help individuals

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What is a Cooperative Financial Institution (CFI)?

What is a Cooperative Financial Institution (CFI)? A cooperative financial institution (CFI) is a type of financial institution it is the umbrella term for deposit taking financial co-operatives that are owned and controlled by its members. CFIs are created to serve the financial needs of their members, rather than to make a profit for a

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What is a Cooperative?

What is a Cooperative? A cooperative, or co-op, is a business or organization owned and operated by a group of people for their mutual benefit. Cooperatives are based on the principles of cooperation, self-help, and self-responsibility. Cooperatives exist in many different sectors of the economy, including agriculture, energy, banking, healthcare, housing, and insurance. In the

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What is a cooperative board of directors?

What is the Board of Directors? The board of directors is elected by the shareholders at the Annual General meeting hold each year to oversee the cooperative’s operations and make decisions on its behalf. The board of directors is responsible for setting the cooperative financial institution’s (CFI’s) strategic direction, approving its budget, and ensuring that

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